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2009-06-17 23:44:50
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This wiki is not Anti-Beauty
This wiki is Pro-Intelligence


-Firstly, no bitching and moaning about things that don't matter.
-Don't spam the page with ludicrous statements, this is a place for people to get along.
-Joking around is one thing, but serious racism, sexism, and homophobia is not allowed.
-Do your best to use correct grammar; this is a place for intelligence.


There are few requirements that need to be met in order to be made a member of this wiki.
Firstly, you need to be able to carry on a conversation in the wiki with everyone else. I suppose with time there shall be various wiki-topics where conversations may be held.
You may also become a member based on a referral of another member, it's kind of a good faith system, so be aware that anyone you invite can influence your future referrals.

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The HTML and content on this page are still being worked on, so bare with me while I get this underway.

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2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i haven't even been there yet because i know there isn't anything in there. otherwise you would have said something by now.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Well look. :P

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: Oh
well now i know that i need to know what i'm talking about before i start making suggestions.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Indeed. :P

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: @.@!
rub it in why don't you?

2009-06-17 [Zombiie Natiion]: hey darlings, just thought i'd let everyone know that there is a new Natiion!! [fu**(fuse)] .. you probly already know, but lets congratulate her anyway :D

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Ahh, I see. :]

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: so, you can't join up here if you're pretty? because it's 'fuck beauty'?? O.o

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it says nothing about not being able to join if you're good looking. read the rules. it says that you're not able to join if you affiliated with beauty groups/wikis.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: You can join. :] Just have to prove you're an intellectual individual.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: okay, well then i guess i'll tell all you guys my views on your wiki to try and prove myself worthy!

hmm, i find the whole idea of "fuck beauty" an interesting concept, and in this day and age quite a controversial topic to speak about, let alone create a wiki about. we are living in a society - and most of us have grown up in this society - where looks can give you a certain status in "cliques", looks can be your escape to get friends, be free from bullying.
im not saying this is right, it is no way right at all, which is why i wanna join! i hate the fact that everyone nowadays is so obsessed with their physical features, to be quite honest its repulsive that everybody wants everybody else to conform to this pure mesh of just outter shell, like whats on the inside doesnt count.
inner beauty is where its at, outter beauty and knowing how to work with that is just a plus side.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i do believe that Nik will be pleased with your input. though he's not online right now and therefore can't make a judgement as of yet.

2009-06-17 [Midori]: I completely agree with you, BB. It's the same way with modeling, you have to be twig thin, with your bones protruding out much like that of an ethiopian child, and believe it or not, blue-eyed blondes are preferred over any other hair or eye color. Look at Barbie. Look at advertisements you see. Here's an example <img200*0:>

Is this not whats on the covers of magazines? The majority of them. Check out Meg fox and Angelina Jolie, they're two big-lipped knockouts competing for the red carpet right now (I love them both, but the big lipped thing is too much for me) you can be stupid, with no redeeming qualities, but as long as your beautiful in this world, you've got a free ticket. Isn't it sad?


2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: if you haven't noticed [BarbieBoyy.] is actually a model. and some of us can't help but be skinny.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: hmm i do agree with you [Midori], except for the fact im a model and my bones arent sticking out! i take offence to that xD hehe, i do see what you mean though, but i do get quite a bit of work for modelling at thee moment, but my body is slim and well toned, not in any way stick thin with "ethiopian child" like properties.
thankyooou kurtis for sticking up for me!! some of us CANT help but be thin!!

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: if you guys would like for me to make this into a conversation topic just say the word and i'll post it in the conversation topics section.

2009-06-17 [Midori]: That's exactly what I was pinpointing. I'm a model too XD. I do a small chain of women;s clothing down here. The pressure on models to be thin though, is excruciating. And the fact we're ushered into being thinner and thinner, is retarted. Here...lemme find something.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: i think this'd be a greeatt conversation topic kurtis! good thinking :D
and midori i feel for you being pressured to be thin, and that may be where you're from but here in England where i live my agents all love my body shape, and the girls i work with, same as myself, are not in any way ushered to be thin, but to be slender and healthy and toned, and look damn good!

2009-06-17 [Midori]: Boy. Europe must be nice.

I think America is much tougher. I wish I could go back to Germany sometimes.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: though now the question is. what should i name it.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: are you originally from Germany then?

2009-06-17 [Midori]: "The Pressures of Beauty"

"Fuck Carrots" XD

2009-06-17 [Midori]: Yes, I was born in Frankfurt Am Main.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: hahahaha!!! thats brilliant xD

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: check the conversation topics.
it's not on the actual page as of yet.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: It's up now. :] Woot, model boy. Awesome.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: nice graphic.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: haha woww! i like what you did with it :)

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Thank you -- I'm working to try and get more stuff like that up; so I can get this page very... artistic looking.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: aaww that'll look really nice :)
soo reckon im member material? :D

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Indeed; I'll have to add you and some of the other people shortly.

2009-06-17 [BarbieBoyy.]: yaaay! ooh awesome :D

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: So, [BarbieBoyy.] how'd you find this little wiki? O_o

2009-06-17 [treact]: 'If you're affiliated with beauty groups/wikis, you will not be welcome (as a whole).'
correct me if i'm wrong, but [BarbieBoyy.] appears to have the Bloody Beautiful. wiki link on his page, therefore must be associated with the page..

2009-06-17 [Ihsahn]: quote "2009-06-15 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Firstly; I have no issues with [Zombiie Natiion] posting on here, or anyone from her group -- as long as they're not starting problems."

2009-06-17 [treact]: i don't believe i'm 'starting problems'. I was only pointing it out!

2009-06-17 [Ihsahn]: I was just quoting what Nik said, in the ends it's up to him I suppose :P

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: While I thank you for pointing it out to me, I am aware of it. [kurtis purgatory;;] pointed it out to me earlier.

2009-06-17 [treact]: ok (:

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I avoid further confusion, I've removed that "rule"

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: is anyone out there?

2009-06-18 [Ihsahn]: Nod your head if you can hear me.

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well technically i can't hear you, but what the hell.
*nods head*

2009-06-18 [Nekko fox]: *Nods*

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: comment to [treact] about having Bloody Beautiful. links on pages. [Nekko fox] is also a member of Bloody Beautiful and he's a member of the staff here.

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and [Ihsahn] what was the point in making us nod?

2009-06-18 [Ihsahn]: I've become comfortably numb

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: ah.
that makes more sense.
though i wish i was numb at the moment.

2009-06-18 [Ihsahn]: o.O you don't know that song?

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: no.
i thought you were saying that you're drunk.
i'm kinda about to crash right now. i had a very odd day.
we had really bad storms today and there were, i think, 20-25 funnel cloud sightings.
crashing now.

2009-06-18 [Nekko fox]: Wait wait wait wait WAIT...I am NOT a member of Bloody Beautiful. I was quite plainly BANNED from that wiki. A While ago actually. I can't access it either.

2009-06-18 [Nekko fox]: Scratch that, I can access their page, but I've still been warned not to post their on threat of banning. And, no, I'm not a member.

2009-06-18 [Ihsahn]: ya I'm kinda drunk, bout to bust with a few more jeiger bombs though.

2009-06-18 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I was reading over the comments, and I was like; "Wow Kurtis, Nekko is NOT a member of Bloody Beautiful!" Haha.

2009-06-18 [Nekko fox]: *Giggles*

Nope. I would doubt they would even approve of me even perusing their wiki for any span of time, much less being member to it.

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was tired when i wrote that. i just though that since you have a link to there on your page that you were a member.

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and i have no idea why i would think that.

2009-06-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: This is certainly.. and interesting place O.o

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: why you say that?

2009-06-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: would you rather i said it was boring?

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i don't know. i'm kind of out of it today.

2009-06-18 [fresafadfgadgv]: either way it would be your opinion...

2009-06-18 [kurtis purgatory;;]: true.

2009-06-18 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Did you know that both [Mr. Oogie Boogie] and [fresafadfgadgv] used "..." grammatically incorrect.

When in the middle of a sentence you're supposed to put a space before and after. And when it's at the end of a sentence, you're supposed to have four dots.
I didn't even know that until yesterday. My friend was looking at a book editing site and that was one of the main things.

2009-06-18 [Ihsahn]: Oh shit, seriously please message me in private if I make mistakes so that I may correct them immediately. ( not kidding)

2009-06-18 [fresafadfgadgv]: Ellipsis are 3 dots :P and are used to indicate an intentional omission of a word or a phrase. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence.

2009-06-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: Why was i invited to this?.. it requires actually OWNING a brain cell xD

2009-06-19 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: [fresafadfgadgv] I know what they are silly. :P There are just apparently rules to using them.
[Ihsahn] Don't fret, it's nothing to big, it's not like I'm going to devour your soul if you misuse ellipsis.

2009-06-19 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i used to do that all the time.
and actually [fresafadfgadgv] you're supposed to use four dots at the end of a sentence.
see mom? i actually did learn something in english class!

2009-06-19 [fresafadfgadgv]: huh? American usage must be completely different from British English. As the ellipsis has only ever been 3 dots. Anymore and it wouldn't be an ellipsis! :P

2009-06-19 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i have no idea. but my sister's on her way to the hospital right now, i think we're going to have a baby today!!!

2009-06-19 [kurtis purgatory;;]: She woke up at 4 this morning having contractions, then lost her mucus plug around 6. She's been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the past few months, and this time her contractions are 3-5 minutes apart!

2009-06-19 [fresafadfgadgv]: Oooooh hope all goes well! let us know!

2009-06-19 [Nekko fox]: Congrats and best of luck.

2009-06-19 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i'm home now. she stopped dilating at 7 cm, so i decided i was going to ride home with my brother.
she's having horrible back labor though, which doesn't make it any easier on me, i don't like to see her in pain, unless i'm causing it.
but she's expected to deliver around 7 tonight.

2009-06-22 [BarbieBoyy.]: awww has she had it yet??

2009-06-22 [Nekko fox]: It's been a while, so I hope so. No complications?

2009-06-22 [kurtis purgatory;;]: she had her.
but the baby was trying to come out face first, so they had to take her c-section.

2009-06-23 [Nekko fox]: I think I was a c-section baby.

2009-06-23 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was. i was too fat for my mom to have me naturally.

2009-06-23 [Nekko fox]: I was a cabbage patch baby

2009-06-23 [kurtis purgatory;;]: as in you were born in a cabbage patch, or you looked like a cabbage patch doll?

2009-06-23 [Nekko fox]: The latter.

2009-06-23 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was just chubby.
i wasn't special enough to look like a doll.

2009-06-23 [Nekko fox]: *Laughs* I believe I was. I was NOT a cute baby.

2009-06-23 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was.
i liked to put kool aid pitchers on my head.
empty ones, mind you.

2009-06-24 [Nekko fox]: Apparently, (according to my mother) I'm an old soul. I used to stand at the top of the stairs and try to fly....She had to explain that I didn't have wings anymore. That kind of lead me later on into understanding my Otherkinship.

2009-06-24 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: <_< When I was a kid, I asked my father where babies came from and he said: "Well, usually they come from a man sticking his dick in a woman's vagina ... you, however, came out of a bleeding pentacle on the floor."

2009-06-24 [Nekko fox]: I can't even BEGIN to describe how blindingly funny that is.

2009-06-24 [Ihsahn]: I rofled in rl

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: I won't lie, that seriously made me laugh.

2009-06-25 [Ihsahn]: seriously it made me lol too, and I'm in a bad mood.

2009-06-25 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Lmao, yeah. He still says that to this day, o.o ... which is rather obscene.

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: Aw, how so? It's a compliment! He's telling you that you are his demonic progeny, summoned from the realms of Hellfire and darkness!

2009-06-25 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: lmao. >_<

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: Now you can stand above him, cloaked in Shadows and the wails of the Dead and command him to make you a cheese sandwich, or you shall grow hungry and feast upon his soul.

2009-06-25 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: lmao yesss!

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: But you just need to work on your 'evil laugh'.

2009-06-25 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: Oooohhh.. sorry for lack of posting on here xD, i have someone round at my house for.. well a few days, he's stealing the attention xD

2009-06-25 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: haha, it's cool.

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: Hey, it happens.

2009-06-25 [Zombiie Natiion]: Micheal Jackson is dead :(

2009-06-25 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I've heard. Hah. >_<

2009-06-25 [kurtis purgatory;;]: the first thing my mom said when she heard was "Did he die getting another plastic surgery?"

2009-06-25 [Nekko fox]: Oh snap!

2009-06-26 [Zombiie Natiion]: Haha!! love it :D

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: lol!

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: My mom's a riot.

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: I got to go now though.
I was supposed to be done on the computer about 20 minutes ago.
Ever since my niece was born I've been so busy I can hardly think straight.

2009-06-26 [Nekko fox]: <img:stuff/aj/9698/1245974621.jpg>

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: I got a forward this morning. it said.
"Farah Fawcett died and went to heaven, she met god and he gave her one wish. She wished for all the children of the world to be safe. So god killed Michael Jackson." I thought that was funny.

2009-06-26 [cowboy_94]: lol that is funny

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hmmm. i wonder how Nik will like the fact that fake people are still posting here.

2009-06-26 [cowboy_94]: well i have already talked too nik

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: still doesn't mean you're not a fake.

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hey matt, how long does pregnancy last?
because according to you, so i've heard, it lasts 6 months?

2009-06-26 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Who's this Matt person? O_o

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well on my yahoo and skype that's what [cowboy_94]'s real name is...but then again he has a tendency to lie about his age, so what's the difference with lying about his name too.

2009-06-26 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I was about to say; on here it says his name is Mike. ^_^

2009-06-26 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh.
maybe it is Mike.
my memory's going bad.

2009-06-26 [Ihsahn]: WOW..... wtf.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hmmm. i specifically remember me asking if that was you, and you told me that it was.
we were talking on skype, and you told me that it was you, so i think you need to stop trying to be someone else, change your age back to what it needs to be, and leave people alone.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i don't talk trash about people behind their back. if i have something to say then i say it to their face, or if they're online, i'll tell it to them straight. so get over yourself, and change your age back to what it needs to be. because obviously you're not 18, and people can get in serious trouble if you keep lying about your age.
thank you, have a nice day. and i don't know Nik's views about you, though in the rules it states "-Firstly, no bitching and moaning about things that don't matter." and it seems to me that you're bitching, and moaning. so i would like to ask you to leave until the time when Nik's available to be online again for him to make the decision.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hmmm. it seems kind of strange that you claim to be 18, yet when i started talking to you on skype your age said 16, and i told you about that and you said that you had to change it. either you were lying about your age before, or you're lying about it now. either way, you faked your age.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: if you look up where i live then i can have you arrested for cyber stalking.
and that's the last thing that i'm going t say, you may leave now, and don't make idle threats.

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: I have this to say. cut it out. making threats is not acceptable.

2009-06-27 [Zombiie Natiion]: and again :D

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: the only thing my name was available on was my skype. and it wouldn't let me remove it from my profile.
and you say that you know the laws, yet you flagrantly disregard the fact that if you look up where i live, and i've never met you in real life, and you intend to come "get" me without my invitation, that's considered cyber-stalking.
get it right.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: which person were you talking about making threats?

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i realize that i don't know it all, nor do i claim to know everything.
i just know more than you do.
and though i don't like you at all, i'm going to give this up.
internet drama is ridiculous.

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: To both parties: [cowboy_94] if you make anymore threats then I will ban you. For [kurtis purgatory;;] don't respond to him, any further comments will be deleted. Elfpack Guards

2009-06-27 [cowboy_94]: 10-4 im srry ihsahn i just blew up

2009-06-27 [Zombiie Natiion]: stop deleteing my bloody comments Ihsahn!!

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: Try to keep a cool head please. think before you type.

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well [Zombiie Natiion] if he's deleting your comments it must mean that he doesn't like what your commenting.

2009-06-27 [Zombiie Natiion]: no he's just doing it because he can

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: true. that or you're commenting something which would set someone off, which we're trying to avoid at the moment.

2009-06-27 [cowboy_94]: hey kurtis may i ask you too shake hands *shake your hand* im srry

2009-06-27 [Zombiie Natiion]: hah i've learnt my lesson darling i'm not here to cause arguments.. but i'm still allowed to post things here so Ihsahn had no right to delete my comments ¬_¬ they weren't mean or provocative in ANY way

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: They were provoking, if you have any problems with this then message me personally.

2009-06-27 [cowboy_94]: i will promise you ihsahn no more disputes

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: It's ok. :3

2009-06-27 [cowboy_94]: i am trying too get along with kurtis

2009-06-27 [Zombiie Natiion]: oh come off it don't go all guard on me just because we had a little tiff darling

2009-06-27 [Ihsahn]: Can we try to just behave? all of us, and pretend like this never happened?

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: though i commend you for trying to set aside our differences, i did ask you to stop posting here.
until the time when Nik's online again, and he make the final decision, i would like if you would refrain from posting here.
*comment to [cowboy_94].*

2009-06-27 [cowboy_94]: ok like i said i am srry and i will stop

2009-06-27 [kurtis purgatory;;]: thank you.

2009-06-27 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Awesome, people to keep the peace when I'm away. Thank you [Ihsahn], and [kurtis purgatory;;]. I'll be a bit busy for a while -- however I'm going to do my best to pop in here and check up on things. :]

o.o I'm a little glad I missed the argument though.

2009-06-28 [kurtis purgatory;;]: why are you glad?

2009-06-28 [cowboy_94]: hello kurtis and hello nikolas

2009-06-28 [Nekko fox]: Arguments are difficult to not get into.

2009-06-28 [kurtis purgatory;;]: Mike, i do believe that i told you not to post here anymore until Nik has decided whether you can or not. Just because Nik posted on here yesterday doesn't mean that you can. Unless he told you in a message that you may post here, i would like to ask you to leave. if only for the time being.

2009-06-29 [cowboy_94]: alright kurtis im srry again for the mess up i promise you guys that i wont post here untill i get a message from you or nik do we gotta deal

2009-06-29 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was under the impression that we had a deal before now.

2009-06-29 [cowboy_94]: oh yea we did ok well what ever nik says i will do and if he tell you can you tell me alright talk too you later

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: If you will do as your told, then why do you keep posting?

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: My input is few and far between in times of personal stress, but I like to make it meaningful.

2009-06-29 [kurtis purgatory;;]: lol!
a stupid thought just popped into my head from our conversation on fake, "THANK GOD!!!"

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: *Chuckles*

2009-06-29 [kurtis purgatory;;]: lol!

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: Oh Dear gods, I found some terrifying yiffy...

2009-06-29 [kurtis purgatory;;]: what do you mean?

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: Here...


And that is the least scary of them...

2009-06-29 [Done with all of this]: hello everybody i just found this wiki, im jake

2009-06-29 [Zombiie Natiion]: aww he's not THAT scary lol.. looks rather cute to me ^_^

2009-06-29 [Nekko fox]: This is just one of the least disturbing of this creator's pictures...One of them has a Jar Jar Binks reference ;_;

2009-06-29 [Done with all of this]: it has a hypnotizing feel for me, i cant stop looking at it

2009-06-29 [Zombiie Natiion]: Ooooh that sounds interesting.. link me Nekko?

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Oh I have to go back and link it?

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: yes please ^_^

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9698/1246379763.jpg>

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Not much phases you I take it.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: It's the art style coupled with a reference to something despicable whilst combining it with a notable furry favorite.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: It's Krystal from Star Fox. She and Renamon have a huge fan following for some reason.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Yes. Yes I am.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Comparison of:



And Renamon


2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: There you have it. Both have fan followings, and one has been warped by the creator of Synx and S'yra.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: It's a fetish. Just as there are people who get off on feet, others get off on horses (literally or metaphorically), and others can't bring themselves to climax without picturing a woman covered in computer parts. Other simply like the aesthetic appeal. Others will find a deeper connection with their life. Some simply like the art style. One must not be bogged down with ignorance and close-mindedness when it comes to fetishes for, as one De-Moral poster said quite plainly, "Fetishes: Shut up, yours are weirder" and offered the picture of a naked woman covered in candy corn, everyone has idiosyncrasies about them, and a sexual interest in something does not necessarily make them odd.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: One could put forth the question, "Why do gays like men." Well, the simple answer is "They're gay", but in truth it is because they are ATTRACTED to men, have an INTEREST in them. It is the same with us furries.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Remember, just because YOU do not like it, approve of it, or understand it, does not make it wrong.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: I mean, look at dismemberment, zombie, clown, and amputee porn. All of a sudden, furry isn't so bad. Go to and look up "Baby Fuck", there is a hentai centered around that (disturbing as that is).

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]:

Sure, it's different, but is that bad? Now, the link...that's a bit off...

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: There is another page that goes through everything disturbing, from animal abuse and cruelty to human dismemberment, child abuse to car accidents, suicides to homicides, and all the pictures in between.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: Or, worse yet, go and the BME Pain Olympics.

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: I...winced. A lot.

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: OMG thats disgusting lmfao!!! did you post the link for that white twisted yiffy?

2009-06-30 [Cloud Natiion]: Rofl, white twisted yiffy?

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: I found a cute little post on there called 'Almost Raped'. It was...amusing. I actually laughed for five minutes.

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: ¬_¬ Nekko.. you need help XD

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: You need to remember, Encyclopedia Dramatica is written by offensive, /b/ visiting trolls. They aim to offend. In the end, everything they write is funny because it's...well, it's written by a troll.

Here's the link, by the by:

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: aha lol

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: thats not the link to the white yiffy :(

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: I think the expression coined on many of their pages was "LOL WUT?!"

2009-06-30 [Zombiie Natiion]: O.o

2009-06-30 [Nekko fox]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9698/1246405990.jpg>







2009-07-01 [Zombiie Natiion]: bloody hell.. that little fucker is violent!! who's the artist? O.o what site is he on?

2009-07-01 [Nekko fox]: For the life of me, I haven't a clue what the artists name is. All I know is his trademark symbol of the smiling Baphomet symbol.

2009-07-01 [Zombiie Natiion]: hmm.. how did you find the white guy then?

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